Pricing and Package Options

Flexible Solutions to Suit Your Needs

Pay as you go

£30 per hour, billed at the end of each month and payment is required within 7 days of invoice

Flexibility: A pay-as-you-go package allows clients to only pay for the hours they actually use, rather than committing to a fixed monthly plan.

Scalability: With a pay-as-you-go package, clients can easily scale up or down their usage as needed, without having to worry about committing to a fixed plan.

No long-term commitment: Pay-as-you-go packages typically don't require a long-term commitment, which can be beneficial for clients who are unsure about their future resource needs.

No wasted resources: With pay-as-you-go, clients only pay for the hours they use, so there is no wastage of resources.


£30 per hour, billed at the start of the month and full payment is required prior to any work commencing

Consistency and reliability: A retainer package provides the client with a consistent and reliable resource for their business needs.

Cost-effective: Retainer packages can be more cost-effective than paying for the same services on an hourly basis, especially for clients who need regular support.

Increased efficiency: Having a dedicated virtual assistant can increase the efficiency of the client's business, as the assistant can handle repetitive tasks, and the client can focus on the more important aspects of their business.

Flexibility: Retainer packages can be customised to meet the specific needs of the client, and can be adjusted as the client's needs change.

Project Work

Quotations for project work available on request

Customised Solutions: By requesting a price quotation for project-based work, clients can receive a personalised solution tailored to their specific needs. This ensures that the virtual assistance provided is precisely aligned with the unique requirements of their project.

Efficient Budgeting: With a price quotation in hand, clients can plan their budget more effectively. They can allocate funds for the project without any surprises, knowing the exact cost of the virtual assistance they will receive.

Focus on Results: A project-based approach encourages both the client and the virtual assistant to focus on achieving specific goals and delivering results within a defined timeframe. It fosters a sense of accountability and a commitment to success.



